
Information sharing between Law Enforcement Authorities in Europe: best practices and challenges

The ILEAnet H2020 project workshop is organised as part of a study led by CEIS-Avisa Partners on how European Law Enforcement Authorities (LEAs) share information in the domains of migration, terrorism, cybercrime, and serious & organised crimes. The study is conducted in the framework of the EU project ILEAnet co-creating a sustainable LEA-practitioners network centered on research & innovation challenges.  Keynote speakers:...

Putting Resilience on the First Place

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Multi-hazards and combined threats' trends: presentation of the results from the international survey Public Assessment Tool: Launching a discussion on the CRISPRO support management and evidence-based methods. The event's focus is a multi-hazard and multi-vulnerability risk assessment tool tackling the complex chain(s) of socio-economic effects scenarios. Scientists and risk management experts will demonstrate applicable practices and approaches...

Crowd Management and Vulnerability Mitigation Methods

Table-top exercises models for crowd managementVulnerability in Risk Analyses Would you like to learn how to assess crowd safety risks and identify hazards? We offer a consultative workshop for demonstrating various vulnerability aspects of evacuating, rescuing, and caring for people victims of flood and storm disasters. We are looking for defining standard operational procedures, material...

Gender, human rights and environment in Disaster Risk Management

The PPRD East 3 programme aims at strengthening capabilities of civil protection institutions in the Eastern neighbourhood countries to better prevent, prepare for, cope with and recover from emergencies. To reach the outcomes, the integration of gender, human rights and environment as cross cutting issues in the programme is fundamental. This to ensure that the...

An introduction to Early Warning Systems (EWS) and the Italian example

PPRD East 3 Disaster Risk Management Webinar Series. Early Warning Systems (EWS) are the very cornerstone of modern Civil Protection (CP) blueprints. An efficient coordination, communication and pre-activation of the CP system can, in fact, allow to minimize impacts of natural hazards. In an era where Climate Change has drastically augmented the intensity and number...

CBRN emergency response plans

he objective of the standardization initiative is to develop a document that guides the officers of the public safety agencies on the development and structuring of the response plans that have to be activated during an emergency. Furthermore, guidance on the sharing of this information among the agencies that are involved in a situation will...

Reporting crisis management exercise

This CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) aims to cover standardisation gaps of the evaluation phase and lessons learnt documentation of an exercise of crisis management. ISO 22398 includes general requirements of the planning, execution and evaluation of an exercise, without particularly providing guidance on the implementation of the evaluation by different participants, as well as on...

Digital Scenarios for Search and Rescue Exercises

This CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) aims to cover limitations in existing practices related with the design and planning of Search and Rescue exercises.  The CWA will specify a digital process for the planning of Search and Rescue exercises and provide recommendations on the type of digital information exchanged for Search and Rescue scenarios, the use...

Management of forest fire incidents

his CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) is intended to benefit the cooperation among the EU and global wildfire management community, comprising incident commanders, fire officers, forest managers, personnel of the civil protection agencies and Emergency services. This will be approached through a guide to be used by all the interested parties in the EU countries. It...

Collaborative Emergency Response

This CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) aims to define a cooperative framework and the required guidelines for stakeholders from multiple operational organizations to be able to exchange information on situational awareness and the status of the operations, as it is necessary in large-scale crises.  More specifically, the CWA seeks to strengthen the structured and consistent flow...

ROADMAP for risk-prone scenarios

The ROADMAP project aims to promote the use of real-life multi-hazard risk scenarios to retrieve good practices with the objective to enhance DRM when it faces multi-hazard risks. During the past year the ROADMAP consortium worked to find, analyse and propose good practices in Disaster Risk Management in a multirisk environment.  In this third and last ROADMAP...

Two Exercises in Savona

Over 20 practitioners, decision-makers and first responders will exercise two crises associated with climate change, natural disasters and coping capacities for vulnerable groups of ill and old persons and refugees.